Saturday Sale Bill
Established Since 1943
Feeder Pigs 8:30 a.m. - Misc. 9:00 a.m. - Sheep 9:00 a.m.
Cows at 11:00 a.m. followed by Feeder Calves
SALE FOR SATURDAY, March 29th , 2025
SOLD 73 WEIGH SOWS 350 - 450# $50 - $55 450 - 550# $55 - $60 550 - 650# $60 - $64
BOARS - Big Boars - $13 Light Boars - $35 - $50 SOLD 103 BUTCHERS Top $66 Many $63 plus JUNK HOGS 80# - 240# - $40 - $60 If you have light junk hogs - give Saturday a try. ____________________________ SHEEP Expect 100 - 150 Sheep & Goats of all wts & classes. 20 Fat Lambs _________________________ MISCELLANEOUS:HAY & STRAW WILL SELL AT 10:00 a.m.
PAULEY BROS ANNUAL SPRING MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT SALETUESDAY, MARCH 25th 9:00 a.m.Equipment Fact live online auction starts at 12:30 p.m.check website for complete sale billIf you are thinking about having a machinery sale, household sale or land sale....Please give us a call. We would be glad to visit with you. CALVES & YEARLINGSSee website for complete sale bill for Rescheduled WESTERN IA PRECONDITIONED CALF & YEARLING SALE This Thursday, March 27th 11:30 a.m. Over 2000 head weighing 300# - 1000# Expect 100 - 200 Cattle Weighing 300# - 1000# Many nice bigger bunches – Note – 11:30 a.m. starting time |
COWS ALL COWS SORTED FOR AGE, COLOR & SIZE SPECIAL BRED COW – BRED HF & PAIR SALE 11:00 a.m. 150 Bl/BWF Cows – 4th to 9th calf, mated Bl or Hereford, calf 4/1, complete dispersion, calves top market. Many home raised – Don’t miss this set of cows – some pairs Oakland 25 Black Mx Cows w/nice calves @ side, 3-6 weeks old, smaller groups 13 Bl/Red Cows – 2nd to 5th calf, mated Bl, calf 6/1 Marcus
150 - 300 WEIGH COWS, HEIFEREETS, BULLS Sold over 133 Weigh Cows & Bulls Steady market with higher undertone Top Cows - $135 - $150 high yielding Heiferetts - $175 - $225 Feeding Cows - $125 - $140 Most Cows - $115 - $130 Old Thin Low Yielding - $75 - $100 BULLS High Yielding - $185 - $200 Other Bulls - $155 - $178 SOLD _____ FAT CATTLE NO TEST Top Choice - $ Got a few fats to sell? Give Saturday a try._________________________________________ SALE DATES CLAIMED:Pauley Bros. Annual Spring Machinery Consignment Sale Tuesday, March 25th, 2025 9:00 a.m. Sale to be held at Denison Livestock Auction 501 North 9th Street, Denison, IA 51442
193.31 Taxable Acres M/L of PRIME Crawford County Farmground to be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, March 29th, 2025 2:30 p.m. Sale to be held at the Westside Community Building located at: 139 Main Street Westside, IA Sellers: The Heirs of the Isabelle Dentlinger Estate and the late Al Dentlinger
Barn 712-263-3149 ~ JR Mobile 269-7777 ~ Tom 263-0224
Dave Vanness 265-1189